30 Novembro 2023 22:35
Estou fazendo os cursos online em grupo da Rio&Learn há 2 meses. Eles oferecem uma maneira fantástica de aprender português e praticar a conversação se você não mora no Brasil. Os professores são envolventes e são capazes de ajustar o seu nível de português a qualquer nível que você esteja. Obrigado!
28 Novembro 2023 1:38
Depois de 3 semanas estou nesta escola e já falo português. Certamente com erros, mas fiz progressos impressionantes. Além disso, de segunda a sexta a escola oferece atividades chamadas "Rio Live" que permitem visitar o Rio ao mesmo tempo falando português e conhecendo pessoas Toda a equipe é ótima e está pronta para ajudar se necessário
27 Novembro 2023 15:43
A escola de idiomas impressiona pela excelência. As aulas não são apenas divertidas, mas os professores calorosos não apenas transmitem habilidades linguísticas, mas também insights sobre a fascinante cultura e o povo do Brasil. Um ambiente de aprendizagem animado onde o riso tem um lugar permanente.
25 Novembro 2023 9:30
Isso é realmente fantástico. RioAndLearn.
Aulas de português.com certeza vale a pena.
As aulas acontecem de segunda a sexta (9h às 13h) e à tarde são atividades gratuitas em grupo. (Futebol de areia, voleibol, excursões, visitas a locais turísticos, etc.)
Sexta-feira à noite fomos à Lapa, bairro noturno do Rio. É algo para ver! Ruas lotadas de gente, orquestras, discotecas. Olá, decibéis!
O aprendizado do português é feito em imersão, tanto em sala de aula quanto em atividades outdoor organizadas pela Rio&Learn.
Estamos imersos na língua portuguesa e na cultura brasileira. Obrigados a falar português.
Eu recomendo.
Pedro Pedro,
21 Outubro 2023 19:42
Tenho aprendido português online com Monique. Gostei muito das aulas, foram muito divertidas e aprendi muito. Monique é muito paciente e encorajadora, além de me fazer rir. Ainda tenho um longo caminho a percorrer porque sou iniciante, mas adoro a escola.

Vale a pena assinar a newsletter também. Muitas dicas e recursos excelentes.
18 Outubro 2023 5:45
Estou fazendo aulas online com a Rio & Learn há 3 meses e estou adorando. As aulas são muito divertidas e os professores são incríveis. Sinto que progredi muito em 3 meses, desde não falar português até conseguir ter pequenas conversas. Eu recomendaria para qualquer pessoa que queira aprender português.
23 Setembro 2023 0:59
Eu recomendo fortemente a escola Rioandlearn para estudar português em sua localidade no Rio ou através de cursos online, ambos os modos possuem atividades para aumentar a prática.as abordagens de aprendizagem são incríveis, facilitam a gramática do português, além de se concentrarem na pronúncia dos alunos, o que é um esforço contínuo dos professores.o clima das aulas é muito agradável e amigável.
15 Setembro 2023 20:30
Escola muito boa perto da Praia de copacabana e do métro para aprender a lingua portuguesa e a vida dos cariocas.
28 Agosto 2023 0:18
Estou estudando online com a Rio & Learn há apenas algumas semanas e posso dizer que meu português já melhorou notavelmente! Estou ansioso para visitar a escola em breve para uma imersão total e conhecer todos os grandes professores. Muito obrigado Rio & Learn!
04 Agosto 2023 23:29
Estou tendo aulas em grupo online aqui há cerca de um mês. A aula toda é em português, então você aprende super rápido. As turmas são pequenas e depois de cada aula o professor avalia você, para que você aprenda no seu próprio ritmo. Todos os professores que tive são super entusiasmados e encorajadores. Você também é colocado em um grupo de WhatsApp para praticar e tem atividades extras online super divertidas. Eu rio e aprendo muito em minhas aulas. Eu recomendo fortemente esta escola e espero que algum dia no futuro eu possa visitá-la pessoalmente!
18 Junho 2023 1:30
Estudar portugués online com a escola Río & learn é muito gratificante pra mim, pois as professoras são amorosas. As aulas são engraçadas, com muita prática falando português brasileiro. Também eu posso conhecer pessoas de outros países e outras culturas. Eu sinto que moro no Brasil quando eu estou em aula!
30 Maio 2023 18:25
Had an incident with a holiday. I selected Monday and Wednesday for my classes, since I can’t attend classes on other days. Due to holiday one of the lessons was scheduled on Friday. I warned about this issue on Tuesday, 3 days before the lesson, but manager answered in a rude way that they can’t do anything and blamed me that this is my fault I didn’t warn earlier. Teacher is asking their students to give good grades to the course on a second lesson. This is not teachers fault. Probably managers ask her to do this. Maybe my grade will change. Only time will show. At the moment as is.
11 Maio 2023 20:28
This is the best language school ever. I spent one month, started with no portguese whatsoever, and now I can hold basic conversations and understand most of what people are saying. My progress was pretty amazing thanks to all the teachers who are AMAZING. I can't stress enough how nice, helpful and fun they are. In addition to classes in the mornings, the school offers different kinds of activities every afternoon outside the school. It's great to practice portuguese outside and also discover some great places in Rio as well as many different kind of fun activities. I made great friends there and had so many good laughs. Often the teachers also take you out of the classroom for the entire class or half of it to make it more entertaining. I truly recommend this school that was way more than a school for me. Thanks to everyone there, especially Diogo, Lais and Guliana for everything.
11 Maio 2023 12:28
I took a one week in-person course and had an amazing experience. It was intensive and definitely highly recommended! I appreciate the great, caring and highly professional team: Diogo for your awesome and energetic lectures and dedication. The lessons outside the classroom were very engaging and a useful way to immerse into local life. Thanks Laise, Marta and Dayane for the great support and smooth coordination. I look forward to taking the online sessions next!
12 Março 2023 8:44
An incredible experience! I wish I had stayed longer but I will definitely be back again! The teachers are all incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and so welcoming. I highly recommend this school!
11 Março 2023 18:56
I can’t say enough for Rio & Learn, they really helped me get through my anxiety and discomfort around conversing in Português. When I had arrived in Rio, I had been taking classes online for about a year and had learned some of the fundamentals. But listening and conversing were big weak points for me, and my vocabulary was very limited. I studied at Rio & Learn for 1 month and the staff was very warm and inviting to me. Laís set me up in a good level to continue my studies, and all the professors were willing to go above and beyond to help me learn. They didn’t go easy on me either, they would probe me to converse in class and on RioLive activities, but we’re always encouraging which made it feel like a safe environment to learn and step out of my comfort zone. I’ve now been in Brazil for almost 2 months, and while I still have a lot to learn, I feel comfortable holding a conversation and it is thanks to the team at Rio&Learn!
20 Fevereiro 2023 16:34
I started taking online classes a month ago with Rio and Learn. I was a little nervous but the teachers quickly made me feel comfortable (Dani and Monique). The classes are a lot of fun and we laugh quite a bit as we learn. The teachers are professional, very patient, and explain everything really well. I look forward to the weekly online class invites to see what we will be covering. If you want to learn, definitely try Rio and Learn. Also - make sure to sign-up for "A Dica do Dia". Great way to learn about Cultural Brasileiros and practice reading Portuguese!
12 Fevereiro 2023 15:57
Rio & learn is the only place to go for accelerated learning of Portuguese. The staff is professional and friendly which makes it a very comfortable place to learn while gaining your confidence
21 Agosto 2022 6:54
Rio & Learn has helped me a lot in the start of my Portoguese speaking journey. As a dyslexic learner I particularly appreciate the way they try to facilitate the way I learn. Combining grammar with conversation also makes it a lot of fun:) Muito obrigado!
20 Julho 2022 18:45
I have been studying at Rio and Learn for almost two weeks. I've had a combination of online and in-person courses. I will say they have done an amazing job at hiring teachers. I've had three different teachers now and each one of them has their own style and they are all very effective. The activities outside the classroom are a great way to get to know Rio as well. It is a great school, fantastic location, very organized, and fun!
10 Julho 2022 4:53
I have taken virtual Brazilian Portuguese classes at multiple schools and this has been the best one by far! My fluency and literacy has improved so much in a very short period of time due to the talented staff and collaborative approach of Rio and Learn. Dora and Monique are gifted teachers and work very hard to find the best way for me as an individual to progress in my Portuguese. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to learn Brazilian Portuguese.
09 Julho 2022 11:21
Sem dúvida a melhor escola de português que encontrei, os professores são excelentes e dão muitas dicas para te ajudar a melhorar. 100% recomendado!
26 Maio 2022 0:37
I would highly recommend this school for its quality Portuguese classes, excellent teachers and staff and very affordable prices.

If you were like me, you might doubt at first the "fun-learning method. " What does this mean? Is this possible? I was so convinced after one trial lesson. Originally I signed up for part-time and within weeks I changed to full-time only thinking just 6 months, but I keep signing up again because its so effective the way they teach.

I have been taking full-time online classes for 8 months now and every teacher is excellent. They do powerpoint display so it's very easy to see and learn, and you learn Portuguese very fast because its not based on memorization.

Every teacher is very loving, patient, fun, caring and they all desire to see you succeed to the best of your ability. The atmosphere is always comfortable and fun and you will feel at ease in seconds.

The groups are always small and they do pay attention to your learning. The levels are very accurate and they do try their best.

A few months ago a mistake was made on my schedule and to show appreciation to me, they gave me a week free of classes. I would highly recommend this school for their customer service as well. They do try their best to solve any problems.

Thanks Rio and Learn for the excellent experience!
11 Março 2022 20:02
Es un excelente lugar para iniciar en el idioma de português con profesores muy buenos y divertidos.
Oportunidad de conocer muchos lugares de Río y conocer personas de todo el mundo.
Gran experiencia
13 Agosto 2020 16:25
I can't say enough good things about this school! Not only have I learned a lot of Portuguese, I also made lasting friendships with both the teachers and my fellow students. Their educational approach guarantees that you will learn a lot of Portuguese quickly and they also provide a lot of fun opportunities to use what you learned in real-life situations from shopping at a market, to learning capoeira, to experiencing samba in a crazy street party!
I've studied there during 2 different trips to Rio and now I'm continuing to study with their excellent online classes. I highly recommend both! Muito obrigado to all the teachers, especially Diogo, Geovanna, and João!
16 Julho 2020 3:32
I am currently doing private online classes and love it! I really enjoy the flexibility on choosing the time for my class schedule and the 1 on 1 attention to tailor each class according to my needs. Also, the teachers are wonderful! I definitely recommend Rio & Learn!
13 Junho 2020 15:52
Quando eu estava por fazer minha formação na escola em Honduras, eu queria estudar no Brasil em uma das melhores universidades e, ao ser informada percebi que não podia entrar sem falar português, então comecei a procurar uma escola de idiomas então conheci a escola Rio&learn e ela me chamou a atenção e eu imediatamente entrei em contato com ela, e o melhor foi que eles não demoravam em responder ela é muito gentil em servir as pessoas. Depois que os dias se passaram, cheguei no Brasil. A primeira coisa que fiz foi visitar a escola e adorei, apesar de não ter conseguido me comunicar com os professores os primeiros dias eles me ajudaram a falar mesmo se fosse devagar.e por falar no interior da escola, gostei muito, porque é um lugar muito limpo, a educação é boa, bem acho que estar no rio foi uma das minhas experiências mas legais, eu literalmente entrei na escola sem falar nada de português e hoje em dia já posso falar, ler e entender muito bem e ainda mais agora que tenho 3 meses de escola. Meu português melhorou mais do que eu esperava, por isso agradeço a todos os professores da escola que me ensinaram a falar um novo idioma. Com muita facilidade, eles também sempre tinham uma atividade pra fazer com nos extracurriculares, das quais eu gostei muito porque nos podemos praticar mais o idioma e aprender. Rio&learn melhor escola do português.
09 Junho 2020 22:41
Very good school with great and welcoming staff! The method is designed to learn key grammatical points and speak a lot which is great cause you learn vocabulary very fast! Also I really appreciated all the activities that allowed us to get to know Rio better!
09 Junho 2020 3:18
Quando eu cheguei no Brasil, não falava de português nada
Será que dá pra ficar bem aqui assim?
É Muito importante para um estrangeiro falar português no Brasil
Então eu encontrei a Rio and learn.
Será que falar português é fácil?
Bom, com eles eu estudei na prática.
Sempre conversando somente em português.
Fomos na praia, nas praças, restaurante, supermercado.
E agora? Será que eu posso português quando estiver sozinha?

E por mais difícil que pareça, hoje, depois de algumas semanas eu já posso
falar português, ler e entender quando falam comigo.
Será que estou orgulhosa?
Claro que sim, tenho dificuldades ainda, mas eu amo aprender português, e estou muito feliz.
14 Março 2020 15:22
INCREDIBLE Portuguese Immersion Experience

NOTE: this comment is written in English for all the English speakers interested in learning Brazilian Portuguese!

I came to Rio de Janeiro for the sole purpose of learning the fundamentals of Brazilian Portuguese in the span of a week. Indeed, it was a tall order, but I am proud to report that my goal was accomplished because of the language services offered by Rio&Learn Portuguese!

As a native English speaker who learned Spanish in school (and currently uses Spanish frequently for work), I was THOROUGHLY impressed with how Rio&Learn Portuguese catered my one-on-one classes to my needs, learning style, and learning objectives. They clearly had a progression plan, but were also skilled enough to a) "go off script" when my language inquiries required it, b) accelerate the course material when I demonstrated clear comprehension, or c) take additional time if I did not fully grasp a concept.

Furthermore, I was blown away with the level of professionalism of the teaching staff. Not only were they knowledgeable of Portuguese grammar, but they presented the information in a manner that was readily received by me, the student, and highly interactive. I believe the brilliance behind Rio&Learn Portuguese lies within their combination of classroom instruction and educational excursions. Learning Portuguese within the confines of the classroom is one thing: being able to apply it in the real world is another. My comfort with the basic fundamentals of the Brazilian Portuguese grew exponentially in a matter of days because the instructors fluidly adapted/modified the period of instruction to match my progression.

Moreover, all of my instructors were highly competent and did a fantastic job of not only entertaining my plethora of questions and intertwining the excitement of adventure/exploration, but also returning to the lesson plan after my personal queries veered us in different directions. Additionally, I liked the diversity of having multiple professors, with different personalities, teaching styles, life perspectives, and accents.

In summary, I look forward to my return to Rio de Janeiro, and -more aptly- my return for more Portuguese classes at Rio&Learn Portuguese!
13 Março 2020 2:59
Amazing teachers, great content, and very helpful team. I am doing the one-year program, and am learning much quicker than I imagined. The classes are structured to share useful and organized content in a way that encourages students to start speaking from day one.the best way to learn! 100% recommend.
01 Março 2020 12:32
Rio&Learn gave me one of the most fun travel exeriences of my life! I came for 2 weeks and learned a lot. It was so great to come to class with great teachers (I had Diogo, Sylvia and Geovanna) to learn Portuguese. The activities in the afternoons and evenings, led by Sylvia were really helpful to my learning too.

I do wish they would focus more on verbs and grammar and less on things like animals and nicknames. But they were very strong in other ways, such as making sure we all talked a lot to build up our convrsational skills, and maintaining a positive relationship amongst all students and teachers. So, I was super satisfied, so much so that I even wrote a song! It goes, "I know I'll come back to Rio.and Learn! "
16 Fevereiro 2020 4:30
This is a great school that I would reccomend to anyone wanting to learn portuguese at any level. All the teachers are great and the homestays they offer are great. I stayed with 2 different families and loved it. I got to practice my portuguese with the families.
29 Janeiro 2020 0:11
I studied here for a couple of weeks and decided to change schools.
The School has some positive points such as the staff are friendly, and small groups which are good points.

The quality of the teaching varies tremendously depending on which teacher you are assigned. They email you the powerpoint slides, but I find the classes do not have enough exercise to cement your knowledge. Some whizz through the slides and skim over examples which does not give you enough time to soak in the information.

This place is ok, but I feel there are other options people should check out as well.
19 Novembro 2019 13:51
Learning Portuguese with Rio&Learn is so much easier and fun. The teachers are friendly and helpful. The activities after school is very efficient for practicing the language. I strongly recommend.
11 Outubro 2019 7:13
I have to say that I am amazed by the school and their teachers because they made me speak and understand 90% of the day to day conversations in a very short time! (I took part in the Rio & Learn inGroup Course - 1 week - 20h) and LiveBusiness -1 week - 40h). Now, I even understand movies in Portuguese! I am absolutely stunned because it feels so good! I highly recommended the school and its courses. You will learn well, fast while having fun sightseeing this wonderful city/ies. All teachers have highly developed interpersonal skills. They adjust their teaching technics to the personality of the student which allows learning faster. They become good friends of yours as well. I cannot name anything that was wrong or not good enough during my stay over there. I am definitely ready to go back and I will do it as fast as I can.
31 Julho 2019 1:41
Como mexicana, me ayudó perfecto a completar el conocimiento que ya tenía del idioma, las clases son muy dinámicas y te ayudan a perfeccionar tu técnica de conversación. Todos son súper agradables, te tratan súper bien y son muy buenos maestros. Es un ambiente muy familiar entre amigos, también tienen actividades donde visitas varios puntos de la ciudad, así como clases de baile y así; te sirve para integrarte mejor en Río.
23 Julho 2019 10:09
Rio & Learn was a fantastic experience all-around. The school is located in a great part of Rio, about three minutes from Copacabana Beach. The classes strike just the right balance between a relaxed atmosphere and a challenging learning environment. There is a maximum of six students in each class so you’re sure to get some personalized attention if you need it. The teachers are always willing and eager to answer questions and deepen your knowledge of Portuguese. They are also really flexible as far as tailoring private lessons to your specific needs.

I also did a homestay and the location was very convenient to the school, the accommodations were clean, cheap, and the food was outstanding. I had a large private bedroom and a shared bathroom.

The group classes ran from 8: 00-10: 30AM and then 11: 00-1PM. We’d break for lunch at 1PM and come back to the school around 2: 30 or 3: 00PM for the RioLive activities. They’re optional but they give you a cool opportunity to continue practicing Portuguese. The RioLive activities are free, you only have to pay for transportation to/from the activity and any entrance fees for museums, etc.

I’ll definitely be back when I have the time off! Saudades R&L!
20 Julho 2019 1:00
As an expat, I needed to quickly improve my grammar to a professional level. I tried three schools before choosing Rio & Learn, and stayed because of its pleasant, fun yet professional atmosphere. It how now been nearly 5 months of personalized classes, and I’m happy to say that in that time I’ve received far more than I expected! - Thanks!
05 Junho 2019 21:20
Before coming to Rio&Learn I had done enough research to make sure I would be studying in a school that would properly prepare me to teach English, and that truly valued its students and their progress. I had high expectations and Rio&Learn met and exceeded what I expected from them. Not only did I learn a lot, but I genuinely enjoyed coming to class. After completion of my TEFL course I even came back for Portuguese lessons. Rio&Learn has a great methodology, knowledgeable professors (all native Portuguese speakers which makes a huge difference), and was very professional in handling my questions and concerns during my time here; this school is second to none. I highly recommend for anybody looking to get their TEFL certificate or study Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro.
03 Fevereiro 2019 4:35
Best Portuguese school in Brazil

I am Jessica An from Korea and went to Rio and learn since 2014 for several times. I can say this place is not only a great place to study Portuguese but also an awesome place to meet various people from the world.

Rio and learn is the best Portuguese school from my experiences since I studied at other school in Sao Paulo, however, I came back to here again since it has better teachers and the class atmosphere is much more fun. Besides, there are students from different countries and I had a such a valuable time with them through Rio Live! Activities after the classes. Some of the students, I even met them in Italy and in London when I traveled in Europe.

Besides, Diogo, a Portuguese professor in Rio and Learn is fantastic and you will love his classes and himself as well.

So, I strongly recommend you Rio and learn school if you are searching for a Portuguese class in Brazil with organized and exciting classes!

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