24 Novembro 2023 18:11
Como parte do meu período sabático na Asana, entrei no The Rainforest Club para passar um tempo reflorestando e protegendo a Mata Atlântica no Brasil.

Nesta qualidade visitamos Bart @ Eco Caminhos e recebemos uma recepção muito aberta e sincera. Bart tem se concentrado na proteção da floresta tropical, agrossilvicultura e bioconstrução há mais de 9 anos. Pudemos aprender muito com sua experiência e recebemos uma visão profunda de seu trabalho.

Eu recomendaria o projeto Barts para quem deseja dedicar seu tempo à proteção e reconstrução da floresta tropical. Se gostaria de passar algum tempo na quinta, a sua villa bio-construída é um sonho para qualquer grupo passar momentos inesquecíveis.

Obrigado Bart por sua abertura e insights.
Thomas do Rainforest Club
22 Novembro 2023 16:10
Nossa experiência na EcoCaminhos foi extremamente nutritiva e reveladora. Visitei com minha esposa e filha de 6 anos. Há algum tempo estudamos agroecologia, agrofloresta e bioconstrução, principalmente online, mas também com algumas experiências práticas. No entanto, vivenciar a vida diária de uma fazenda produtiva e funcional que utiliza princípios agroflorestais nos estimulou em um nível totalmente diferente. Podemos participar do processo de plantio e poda, aliado a um intenso panorama da teoria. Emília adorava alimentar as galinhas, as bioconstruções e brincar com as crianças. Saímos depois de pouco mais de 48 horas com a sensação de que estávamos ausentes há muito tempo. Nossos agradecimentos ao Bart, Eliane e Maria por nos fazerem sentir bem-vindos desde o início e estarem sempre abertos para troca de ideias. Eles estão todos claramente dedicados ao projeto. Obrigado também a todos os trabalhadores e voluntários cujo trabalho árduo e contribuições fazem todo o lugar florescer.
18 Setembro 2023 22:50
Tive o prazer de desfrutar de uma estadia de uma semana aqui e realmente gostaria de poder prolongá-la. Quero estender meus agradecimentos especiais a Thales e Bart pelo seu incrível apoio e pela riqueza de conhecimento que compartilharam. Quando cheguei, não tinha ideia do que esperar, mas saí com o coração cheio de gratidão por ter conhecido pessoas tão maravilhosas e por obter informações valiosas sobre ecosustentabilidade e ecoconstrução. Muito obrigado a todos mais uma vez.
10 Março 2023 2:53
We loved our stay at Eco Caminhos. Really beautiful surroundings and gorgeous eco-lodge. Plus, the fresh produce from the farm was delightful. Great access to nearby trails too.
02 Fevereiro 2023 1:26
We stayed at Ecocaminhos in the EcoLodge for two months. It was a great experience for everyone in the family, including our 3,6, and 9 year old kids. Real world sustainable farming, permaculture, agroforestry experience, and awesome community of local apprentices and local and international volunteers. Highly recommend!
25 Janeiro 2023 6:56
We spent 5 days at Eco Caminhos as part of the “Eco Farm Experience” package. Our stay left us really inspired by everything we saw & learned, hearing Bart's story & vision, the interesting brainstorms about social entrepreneurship and just living & experiencing life on the farm. For us it was the perfect combination of theory about the sustainable farming practices and also getting in the ‘practice’ by getting our hands dirty and working with the volunteers on the land. It was (too) short but the memories and inspiration we will take with us for a lifetime. We hope we can come back one day!
14 Janeiro 2023 11:13
O espaço Eco Caminhos é um paraíso em meio aos muitos desafios da vida moderna. Lá nos reconectamos com a natureza, com simplicidade, com pessoas muito especiais num ambiente de muita liberdade, cuidado genuíno e paz.
E é um retorno ao viver coletivo, comunitário e amoroso numa atmosfera de afetos, sons, cheiros e imagens que alimentam a alma e nutrem nosso Ser.
Além de tudo isso, é de fácil acesso e, mesmo estando na área rural, chegamos facilmente ao centro da cidade onde podemos acessar tudo que precisamos.
Eu super recomendo uma vivência por lá.:)

The Eco Caminhos space is a paradise amid the many challenges of modern life. There we reconnect with nature, with simplicity, with very special people in an environment of great freedom, genuine care and peace.
And it is a return to collective, community and loving living in an atmosphere of affections, sounds, smells and images that feed the soul and nourish our Being.
In addition to all this, it is easily accessible and, even though it is in the rural area, we can easily reach the city center where we can access everything we need.
I highly recommend living there.
28 Dezembro 2022 20:05
An experience at Eco Caminos is the kind of experience in which you don’t recognize what a big impact it’s had on you until you look back on it.

I can’t express how influential my time on the farm. I spent three weeks with Eco Caminhos with the intention of learning about agroforestry and sustainable living generally. I came away from the experience with that—and so much more.

The community here is the biggest strength of this organization. The people are amazing. Being in a multicultural environment with people from all over is an incredible experience. It’s a melting pot where you’re able to learn about different cultures all at once—along with improving your Portuguese, of course. (I recommend coming in with some knowledge of Portuguese. Though it’s not necessary, it will enrich and facilitate your experience. I did, and I am grateful because it helped me forge closer connections.)

And despite there being a revolving door of volunteers coming and going, the staff make an effort to get to know everyone. You feel as though they appreciate the time you spend on the farm, limited as it may be.

I also enjoyed working with the community members and the staff on the tasks. The tasks were also varied enough each day that I was always doing something different in agroforestry or by a construction. Whether you implement the tasks in your future endeavors after your experience on the farm is up to you. But at the very least, you’re learning about what it means to move sustainably, work hard and slowly toward something, and to promote development in your own community. Anything worth having or creating it’s going to take time and patience and sacrifice. I so appreciate the lessons I learned here because I know I’ll take them with me for the rest of my life.
08 Novembro 2022 2:52
Beautiful from beginning to end and a great all-round experience.
Depending on the reason you want to come to Eco Caminhos, if you're able to let Bart know, Bart is very thoughtful of the volunteer's needs and able to personalize your experience to what you're looking to get out of this experience. Bart is very responsive and happy to answer any questions.
I came to learn about permaculture and agroforrestry which was great because you will get the theoretical presentations and see it works in practice from working on the farm. For me this was a really good introduction to Permaculture as I had no prior knowledge and it's really inspired me with the possibility to live a more sustainable life.
On top of that, the whole experience is enriched with being in nature as you will be working in the farm in the mountains, and Dutra/Bart will take you to various breathtaking hiking and waterfall tours. A real chance to deplug from the city life and reconnect with nature and yourself.
The people at Eco Caminhos has found a very special place in my heart - everyone has been incredibly kind. Naturally the people who end up coming to Eco Caminhos have a mutual interest on spending more time with nature or looking to preserve nature - it's a really good way to meet people from around the world of all ages who are on a somewhat similar wavelength.
I only stayed for just about 3 weeks and didn't notice the massive impact this experience had on me until I was back in London. If I had the choice, I'd definitely have opted for a longer stay!
Maybe you have some doubts - I was a little doubtful in the beginning because of various reasons, but it turned out to be exactly what I was looking for and I'm very grateful the universe had led me there.
07 Novembro 2022 23:05
I stayed at EcoCaminhos for 2 weeks, so I wanted to take advantage of it and take every opportunity to try to do as many different things as possible. I was more interested in Agroforestry, so I spent most of my time there. Guys who regularly work there were very kind and knowledgeable and included us in all daily activities. I could participate in a variety of activities that had to be taken regularly for the agroforest to be maintained. People who work there are very skillful as well, so they shared some tips on how to do certain things in a more efficient way. We have also been presented with Agroforestry and Bioconstruction principles as well as their advantages over conventional methods. I felt that my stay was too short and there were so many things I could have experienced if I stayed a bit longer.
24 Outubro 2022 5:10
The stay at eco Caminhos was amazing and I’m so happy I was able to experience it. You get to meet and work with a great, diverse group of people and it’s one of the best parts of the experience. You learn and do so much every week, experiences I would have never got in the city or anywhere. Thank you for the memories. Hope to come back in a couple of years and see all that was accomplished.
10 Outubro 2022 2:22
I spent 1 week in Eco Caminhos and it was my first week away solo as a young teenager, which was apprehensive at first but the welcoming people at the farm made me feel completley at ease and was overall an amazing experience. This was my first volunteer project and was a wonderful way to be introduced into this kind of experience. I learnt new kinds of planting along side agroforestry, bioconstruction with the help of experts which really opened new ways into producing ecological goods in a sustainable way. As well as being introduced to new ways into farming I got to make new friends of all ages and made many memories visiting the wonderful surroundings such as swimming by waterfalls and hiking the local mountain peaks!
13 Setembro 2022 12:38
Apesar de não conhecer o serviço, precisei passar pela propriedade onde o anfitrião através do celular foi muito bem educado.
Pude observar o local pela minha passagem, achei muito interessante a maneira de trabalho, o jeito de plantio, a organização, a autossustentabilidade.
Espero um dia conhecer melhor.
Parabéns pela organização e pelo trabalho.
10 Setembro 2022 18:03
It's already almost 2 months I'm volunteering at Eco Caminhos and I couldn't be more grateful to be part of it. I'm growing and learning so much in so many different areas cause there are always so many opportunities and activities to get involved in. Besides that, I'm witnessing a really strong connection and communication with plants which I feel truly enriched by, and it is so interesting to share this lifetimes with the variety of the inner worlds of the people who come here.
Time passes very quickly and I'm happy to have the chance to stay for one year to deepen all my feelings, the best of which is being exactly where I would like to be.
21 Agosto 2022 1:00
I spent two weeks at Eco Caminhos and it was an amazingly profound experience. It was my first time traveling alone as a young adult, so naturally I was worried about being isolated from everyone I knew- but the community at the farm made me feel welcomed and within days I grew very close to the other volunteers that I met (which made my day of departure an emotional day). I learned so much about bioconstruction and agroforestry during my short stay- I had the chance to do a variety of tasks in both departments and felt supported by the project leaders who were always available. Aside from the community and the knowledge, being nestled in the mountains away from the bustle of the city had a calming effect on my mind. I felt at ease and each day I was awed by the beautiful surroundings. It felt like paradise! I wish I could've spent more time at Eco Caminhos. I definitely will return in the future and recommend this experience to every individual who believes in contributing to a sustainable and greener world.
15 Julho 2022 10:55
I really enjoyed my stay in Ecocaminhos. I loved to work with all volunteer and the conditions I found perfect. Would return for sure. The food was excellent and the volnuteerhouses had everything what was needed. Rhe area around the Eco farm was very nice and beautiful to walk around and do some hikes. Thanks for all the good service.
11 Junho 2022 3:55
A vista é maravilhosa, o lugar é maravilhoso e as pessoas são maravilhosas!

O trabalho realizado é bastante importante, voltado para a preservação e sustentabilidade.

Além disso, ajudam jovens voluntários, dando oportunidade de se desenvolverem profissionalmente e como seres humanos.
03 Março 2022 17:48
At Eco Caminhos, they make you feel like part of their family from Day 1. Bart along with the other volunteers and apprentices are all very welcoming and friendly. The experience puts a lot of emphasis on agroforestry, bio-construction, and the idea of permaculture. You will learn how to do composting, organic farming and how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. They value your opinion and will work with you to focus on areas of your interest so that way you make the most out of your volunteer time.
The remote location in Nova Friburgo is a definite plus. The site in located far away from the bustling life of the city and will provide you with a deeper connection with nature. This area also makes it a great place to go during your day off and explore different trails and hikes that you would otherwise never get to experience.
Eco Caminhos is my first volunteer experience and I will confidently recommend this to anyone. Granted that the work is mostly all physical (be prepared!), the program gives you enough time to also connect with the other volunteers and build friendships that you will always treasure. The whole experience is overall very fulfilling and if given a chance, would definitely be back in the future!
03 Dezembro 2021 10:03
A EcoCaminhos oferece ao visitante uma experiência rara no Brasil e no mundo em termos de ecologia, estilo de vida e inovação alimentar, construtiva e paisagística. O grande diferencial, no entanto, é o elemento humano, que vem da convivência tanto com Bart e sua família como com todos os voluntários da fazenda. A experiência atende tanto a quem se interessar por bioconstrução e agrofloresta quanto a quem procura por turismo, este último em sua forma mais sincera e acolhedora possível.
19 Novembro 2021 5:51
Passei, com parte da minha família, 4 dias neste mês de setembro de 2021. Foram dias inesquecíveis! Aprendemos, descansamos, comemos uma comida super saudável e gostosa, conhecemos pessoas interessantes e voltamos cheios de esperança no futuro e entusiasmados para fazer mais por um mundo melhor! Gratidão a todas as pessoas que constroem a Eco Caminhos!
13 Novembro 2021 16:57
Minha estadia na fazenda foi incrível, pude ter contato com toda a natureza que envolve o lugar, que além de linda tem uma energia maravilhosa! Além disso fui super bem recebida pelo Bart e sua família, pelo Dutra e voluntários. Alimentação saudável, orgânica e ainda tive a experiência de comer alguns quitutes venezuelano, tudo muito bom.   Oportunidade de conhecer sobre permacultura, agrofloresta e bioconstrução, é linda toda essa integração com a natureza. Impossível sair de lá a mesma. Experiência incrível!   Obrigada!
13 Novembro 2021 9:19
Alem de muito atenciosos e carinhosos, todos sao muito acolhedores.
Fui como um turista e saí como um fã do trabalho e das histórias!
Parabéns a todos:)
04 Novembro 2021 10:36
I didn’t put much thought into how profound of an experience this trip would be. I knew it would be life-changing, but not how much it would be. First, joining another community is always an exciting experience, even at a superficial level (i.e, typical tourist excursion). However, joining a new community where you spend 24/7, work, eat, sleep is another level of intimacy, and you don’t have the typical artificial tourist/customer dynamic. Add to that a new country, new language, new cuisine, new customs, and now you start to get the picture about how profound immersing yourself can be… if you let it.
Joining this project as a short-term volunteer has been such a rich experience. The residents are so diverse, from age, race, region, experience, and economics. It has indeed been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in a long time. Spending time living life with the residents here has been a unique and eye-opening experience. They have taught me so many things directly and indirectly. I am inspired to stay open more and more to the abundant experience available and to effect positive change through fellowship. Especially positive change in self!
09 Setembro 2021 16:42
Inesquecível. Aprendizado fora do comum!
Uma forma única de se fazer o que é certo pela natureza
15 Agosto 2021 23:12
Cheguei na Eco Caminhos sem saber absolutamente nada sobre permacultura, agrofloresta e biocontrução. Fazer voluntariado aqui, tem transformado a minha visão do mundo e me faz repensar em como temos vivido atualmente. Lidar com diferentes pessoas e culturas, tem sido um aprendizado diário e permanente.
09 Agosto 2021 22:57
Recomendo a todos que tenham vontade e curiosidade para se ter uma vida no campo. A Vivência como voluntário de curto prazo em uma fazenda ecológica na ecocaminhos agrega muito e a equipe toda é super atenciosa.
05 Agosto 2021 8:44
Uma super oportunidade de vivências inesquecíveis!
Resumo como uma oportunidade de viver realmente em harmonia com a natureza e com pessoas diversas de toda parte do mundo. Aprender muito uns com os outros e trabalhando sempre com a natureza. É um lugar incrível e único!
04 Agosto 2021 15:31
Eco Caminhos ha sido para mi y mi esposo una oportunidad de autodescubrimientos y aprendizajes, salimos de nuestro pais con la expectativa de seguir aprendiendo todo lo que pueda ayudar al planeta y a la vida sustentable, la union con la naturaleza y el crecimiento espiritual. Eco caminhos nos abrio las puertas ofreciendonos un amplio abanico de oportunidades, una familia y un hogar. En nuestra estadia de 6 meses hemos aprendido infinidad de cosas, desde lo mas basico hasta cosas que nunca imagine hacer, disfruto cada dia de la conexion con la naturaleza, fauna y flora que nos rodea. Mis 6 meses en ecocaminhos han sido de autodescubrimiento, fortalezas y mucha resiliencia. Agradezco a Dios y al universo por esta hermosa experiencia y por permitirme ser ayudada y a la vez ayudar a otras personas en un crecimiento totalmente holístico. Cada dia sigo tratando de dar lo mejor de mi y ser mi mejor version, para mi, para el espacio y todo lo que me rodea, y tratando de absorber y aprovechar al maximos todas las oportunidades que dia a dia surgen en la ecohacienda. Siempre y luz y bendiciones.:)

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