14 Março 2022 23:21
A escola deveria educar os pais dos alunos para que deixassem a preguiça de lado e estacionassem seus carros para buscarem seus filhos. Param na porta do colégio por comodidade causando engarrafamento e transtornos para os motoristas. Lamentável!
20 Junho 2021 18:57
01 Agosto 2020 13:28
Preciso saber se a conduta que a escola passa para o pessoa da portaria é de bater no seu carro e gritar na área de embarque/desembarque quando você está esperando menos de 30 segundos? Tenho uma reclamação com um dos, vamos se dizer, porteiros da escola.
17 Julho 2020 8:37
Ótima escola, principalmente o ensino fundamental. Estudei dez anos nessa escola e foi uma experiência incrível.
04 Julho 2020 21:41
Bad system. Lazy teachers. Unnecessary classes. My kid struggle with the classes that are taught in PORTUGUESE!
03 Julho 2020 12:27
I was a student in School of the Nations and graduated in 2018. And I must admit that the system was terrible, teachers did not do what they promised and most teachers didn't know how to teach or help. I was forced as well as other friends from my grade as well as in other grades in an advanced Portuguese class barely knowing Portuguese. So we went from learning dog, cat and verbs to concordancia verbal and regencia verbal. I was also diagnosed with a really serious heath problem and I explained to the teachers that presentations would make me throw up after and almost pass out and some teachers understood, like Rosana, and she would do anything to help me out, she was also by far the best teacher I have ever had but the other teachers said they didnt care and if I did not do it I would get a 0 because I had to do it and they wouldn't find any way to help me through it. Also there was an Accelerator class which was useless and now that I am in almost my third year of college, I dont remember anything that I learned in that class as well as College Guidance. Collage Guidance did not teach me anything for college and I have spoken to other classmates that have been in college for a while and they said they have not used anything they were taught in that class
05 Setembro 2019 7:20
Telefonei para o número 3366-1800 pela manhã e na parte da tarde do dia 11/06/2019. Depois da gravação, ninguém atende.

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